Selected as the Banner Bearer for Engineering Graduation Ceremony

Banner Bearer in Graduation CeremonyThe hard part was finally over. My original plan in college was to live life as my parents had always encouraged me. Do your best, keep good friends close, and never, ever give up. Coming in the University of Houston (UH), I did not dream that I would be leaving at the top of my class. When I received the email asking whether I could participate as the banner bearer for the Cullen College of Engineering, I was ecstatic. At the time, I did not even know there existed a position in the ceremony. To serve in that capacity will always be one of my greatest honors. I even got to meet Lyle Lovett in the process, who was receiving an honorary doctorate at the time. At the conclusion of my time at UH, my real dreams remain the same: pursue a line of work that would excite me out of bed each morning. While the line of work has shifted a bit since I started, that dream remains alive today. My hope is to transform the world with exciting new research and technology, and that is what I hope to accomplish as I set out for UCLA in the fall.