Prof. Rahmat-Samii (left), Joshua Kovitz (center), and Prof. Jun Choi (right) at the 2015 APS Symposium
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) hosted the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation in Vancouver, BC, Canada for 2015. Each year the society holds a student paper competition at the symposium, where students worldwide are invited to submit a double-blind version of their papers to be judged by a committee of experts within the society. This year, I submitted a paper on “Dispersion Engineered Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines Enabling Near-Octave Bandwidths for Wideband CP Patch Arrays,” co-authored with Prof. Yahya Rahmat-Samii, my PhD advisor, and Prof. Jun (Brandon) Choi, a recent UCLA alumnus now at Syracuse University. Out of the 173 submitted entries, my paper was chosen as one of 13 finalists to compete in a student poster competition. The poster competition was held on Monday, July 20, where judges (announced and unannounced) would stop by to discuss the poster during a three-hour period. On Tuesday, July 21, it was announced that we won second place out of 173 student papers and the 13 student finalists.