J. M. Kovitz, H. Rajagopalan, and Y. Rahmat-Samii, “Circularly-polarised half E-shaped patch antenna: a compact and fabrication-friendly design,” IET Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation. vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 932-938, June 2016.
Author: Joshua Kovitz
Awarded Raj Mittra Travel Grant for 2016 IEEE AP Symposium

Every year, the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society awards one PhD level scientist the Raj Mittra Travel Grant (RMTG). This grant was established to partially support one recent PhD graduate in attending the annual IEEE Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. Only PhD's that graduated within the last six years are eligible to apply. It is an extremely competitive grant because recently graduated scholars apply from all over the world.
I am excited to announce that I was recently selected to ...
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MEMS Switches
Antenna Chamber Measurement
The scientist in me loves a good equation, the engineer, however likes something that works
Welcome! My name is Josh Kovitz, and I love tinkering with new tech and understanding how the world works. I am a graduate student researcher at UCLA, where my research primarily focuses on integrating new technologies to improve wireless systems as we know it. My skills concentrate primarily in antenna engineering, microwave systems, and electromagnetics, but I also take interest in wireless communications and circuits to gain a holistic perspective on my work. As a scientist, I love a good equ...
Developing Integrated Solutions
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Awarded Second Place at the 2015 IEEE APS Paper Contest

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) hosted the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation in Vancouver, BC, Canada for 2015. Each year the society holds a student paper competition at the symposium, where students worldwide are invited to submit a double-blind version of their papers to be judged by a committee of experts within the society. This year, I submitted a paper on “Dispersion Engineered Right/Left-Handed Transmission Lines Enabling Near-Octave Ban...
Interview with ABC Channel 7 News

Recently, our group wrote an invited article on TheConversation.com about our collaboration with JPL to develop a new antenna concept for future Mars Rover missions. Our article attracted enough attention that we were invited to interview with ABC Channel 7 news. The news crew came out and interviewed each member of the UCLA group. Overall, it was an interesting experience to talk about the exciting features in our work. We also got a chance to show off the antenna chambers at UCLA.